
经阴道彩色超声诊断子宫内膜癌34例分析 被引量:5

Study of transvaginal colour doppler sonography in 34 patients with endometrial carcinoma
摘要 目的研究经阴道彩色超声(TVCDS)在子宫内膜癌中的声像图特征,探讨其在子宫内膜癌中的诊断价值。方法对经手术病理证实的34例子宫内膜癌患者TVCDS图像进行回顾性分析,得出其诊断符合率,并分析其超声图像特征。结果 34例患者TVCDS诊断为子宫内膜癌30例,诊断符合率为88.2%;诊断符合的30例超声图像特征主要为宫腔占位型(20例)、内膜增厚型(10例);血流显示21例,显示率70.0%;阻力指数(RI)0.31~0.56,Ia、Ib期与Ic~IV期比较,RI值差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论经阴道彩色超声诊断子宫内膜癌符合率高,能为临床治疗提供可靠的信息。 Objective To explore sonogram of transvaginal colour doppler sonography(TVCDS) in patients with endometrial carcinoma and to assess the diagnostic value.Methods A total of 34 patients with endometrial carcinoma were checked up preoperatively by TVCDS and tested postoperatively by pathology.The diagnosis consistency was made and the characteristics of ultrasound image were analyzed.Results Thirty four patients were diagnosed correctly with TVCDS preoperatively,and the diagnosis consistency was 88.2%.The characteristics of ultrasound image were mainly in two types,one was occupying type in uterine cavity(20 cases),the other was thickening type of endometrium(10 cases).Blood flow signals were detected in 21 cases.The detection rate of color flow signals was 70.0% and RI was 0.31-0.56.When compared stage Ia and Ib with stage Ic-IV,RI was significantly different(P0.05).Conclusion In diagnosing endometrial carcinoma,TVCDS can greatly improve diagnosis consistency and provide very useful information for clinical treatments.
出处 《安徽医学》 2012年第9期1214-1216,共3页 Anhui Medical Journal
关键词 经阴道彩色超声 子宫内膜癌 宫腔占位型 内膜增厚型 Transvaginal colour dopper sonography Endometrial carcinoma Occupying type in uterine cavity Thickening type of endometrium
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