
血清S100A12蛋白与克罗恩病活动性的相关研究 被引量:1

Correlation between serum S100A12 and activity of Crohn's disease
摘要 目的:研究血清S100A12蛋白水平在克罗恩病(CD)患者中的表达及其与CD活动性的关系。方法:选取44例确诊为CD的患者为研究对象,计算CD活动指数(CDAI),按照CDAI分为活动期CD患者和缓解期CD患者。同时选取16例非消化道感染的患者作为感染对照组,15名健康体检者作为正常对照组。用酶联免疫吸附法测定血清S100A12蛋白浓度。结果:CD患者血清S100A12蛋白平均浓度为875.85(575.58~1 259.9)ng/mL,明显高于正常对照组的485.3(349.2~571.2)ng/mL(Z=-4.11,P<0.01)。活动期和缓解期CD患者血清S100A12蛋白平均浓度分别为1 932(1792.4~2 202.5)ng/mL和600(460~712.5)ng/mL。活动期CD患者血清S100A12蛋白浓度明显高于缓解期CD患者(Z=-3.20,P<0.01)。CD患者血清S100A12蛋白浓度与CDAI呈线性相关(r=0.38,P<0.05)。结论:S100A12蛋白在CD的发病机制中起作用。血清S100A12蛋白水平与CDAI相关,可以作为疾病活动度的新指标。 Objective To study the correlation between serum S100A12 and activity of Crohn's disease (CD). Methods Forty-four patients diagnosed as CD were selected and divided into active CD group and remission CD group according to CD activity index (CDAI). Sixteen non-gastrointestinal infected patients were selected as infection control group and fifteen healthy people were recruited as healthy control group. Serum SIOOA12 level was determined by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results The median level of serum S100A12 in CD patients was 875.85 ng/mL (ranged from 575.58 ng/mL to 1 259.9 ng/mL), which was significantly higher than those of healthy controls (485.3 ng/mL, ranged from 349.2 ng/mL to 571.2 ng/mL) (Z=-4.11, P〈0.01). Serum S100A12 levels in active CD and remission CD groups were 1 932 ng/mL (ranged from 1 792.4 ng/mL to 2 202.5 ng/mL) and 600 ng/mL (ranged from 460 ng/ mL to 712.5 ng/mL), respectively. The difference in serum S100A12 level between active and remission CD patients was statistically significant (Z=-3.20, P〈0.01). There was a positive correlation between serum S100A12 level and CDAI (r= 0.38,P〈0.05) Conclusions Serum S100A12 level is up-regulated in CD patients, suggesting it plays an important role in the pathogenesis of CD. Serum S100A12 level correlates with CDAI, which may be served as a useful marker of disease activity in patients with CD.
出处 《内科理论与实践》 2012年第5期388-391,共4页 Journal of Internal Medicine Concepts & Practice
关键词 克罗恩病 S100A12蛋白 克罗恩病疾病活动指数 评估 Crohn's disease S100A12 Crohn's disease activity index Evaluation
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