日益恶化的生态环境是制约西部地区经济发展的关键所在 ,而水土流失是西部地区最主要的生态环境问题。为加强西部生态环境建设 ,建议 :进一步提高对生态环境建设长期性与艰巨性的认识 ;以小流域为单元 ,水土流失综合治理与综合开发相结合 ,兼顾生态效益与经济效益 ;以基本农田建设为突破口 ,把防治水土流失、改善生态环境与提高农业生产结合起来 ;建立健全稳定的投入保障机制 ,加强政策扶持 ;加强科学研究与技术推广服务 ,提高工程建设实效 ;加强法制建设 ,依法保护和治理生态环境 ;改进生态环境建设项目管理办法 。
The rapidly by day worsening ecological environment is the key restriction for economy development in western China, in which soil and water loss is the most important issue. It is suggested in the paper in order to strengthen ecological environment construction in western China that the sense of long term and hard work for ecological environment construction should be further enhanced; both ecological benefit and economical benefit should be considered by taking small watershed as basic unit and combining comprehensive harness of soil and water loss and overall development; taking the basic farmland construction as breakthrough to combine soil and water protection with improvement of ecological environment as well as increase of agriculture production; strengthen policy support through establishment of stable and overall investment assurance mechanism; improve effectiveness of project construction through enhancing scientific research and technical extension service;protect and manage ecological environment according to laws and strengthen legal system; improve management method for ecological environment construction projects according to the pattern sort of regional ecological project.
Soil and Water Conservation in China
ecological environment
soil and water loss
comprehensive harness
western China