Objective To understand the collection rate of blood specimens and the laboratory diagnostic rate in suspected measles cases in A'ba prefecture during 2007--2009 and to explore the epidemiological characteristics of measles morbidity in order to provide scientific basis for further controlling and eliminating measles. Methods 435 suspected measles cases were reported during 2007--2009 were detected measles IgM antibody by using antibody capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) and the results were analyzed by combining with the epidemi- ologieal data. Results 824 suspected measles eases were reported in At ba prefecture during 2007-- 2009 . 435 blood specimens were collected from suspected eases. Along with the development and implementation of the measles sur- veillance work program, the specimen collection was increased year by year (37.7% in 2007, 85.0 % in 2009 ). 236 cases were measles antibody positive, the laboratory diagnosis rate was 53.6 %. There was occurrence in each month all the year,the incidence peak mainly concentrated from February to July. The under 15-year- old age groups was the measles high-risk group, the 20-30-year-old age group had the trend of increasing incidence. In the measles im- munization history analysis, 41 cases had clear history of measles vaccine immunity, accounting for 25.3 % of the to- tal cases, 114 cases had no immunization history accounting for 48.9 % of the total cases and 81 cases had unknown immunization history (27.6%). Conclusion The serum specimen collection rate of suspected measles cases should be increased and the suspected cases should be diagnosed in time. The internal quality control should be strengthened and the accuracy of the test results should be increased. The preventive vaccination work management should be fur ther strengthened, especially conducting reinforcement immunization on the immune blank to achieve the goal of basi- cally eliminating measles until 2012. Besides, revaccination or reinforcement immunization in older age groups should be carried out.
Laboratory Medicine and Clinic
suspected cases
IgM anti-body