
心理治疗与普通医疗的平等性 被引量:1

The Parity between Psychotherapy and Medical Treatment
摘要 心理治疗与普通医疗的平等性是美国心理健康服务系统面临的一个主要政策问题,强调健康保险应为心理健康和物质滥用障碍提供与普通医疗相同的承保范围。近20年来,平等性立法在美国得到了较快发展,并取得了一定效果。但由于立法本身存在的局限性及心理健康服务需求与提供双方的多重因素影响,平等性立法的实施及对其效果的评估仍存在一定困难。借鉴平等性立法的经验,得出了一些关于我国心理健康服务发展的启示。 The parity between mental therapy and physical health treatment is an important policy for mental health service system, which required mental health and substance abuse benefits to be provided at the same level as physical health benefits. Recently 20 years, mental health parity laws have developed rapidly in American. But the enforcement and evaluation toward the parity laws were confronted with many difficult because of some limitations of laws itself and many influencing factors derived from demand - side and supply - side. It is good for mental health service development in our country if we can draw lesson from the parity laws abroad.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2012年第4期357-362,共6页 Psychological Exploration
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(05JZD00031)
关键词 心理治疗 普通医疗 平等性 心理健康平等性法案 psychotherapy medical treatment parity Mental Health Parity Act
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