在经济发达国家 ,证券业务是商业银行一项非常重要并且十分成熟的业务。而在我国 ,由于实行分业经营 ,商业银行证券业务仅限于债券业务 ,而且相比国外而言 ,我国商业银行债券业务还很落后 ,尚处在探索和完善阶段 ,是什么原因制约了我国商业银行债券业务的发展呢 ?本文对此进行了详细的分析。
Securities form a very important matured part of the business of commercial banks in developed countries, while in China, securities business is confined to bond due to the operating system of its commercial banks Compared with advanced countries, we still have a long way to go What reasons restrict the development of bond business of commercial banks in China, this paper gives the answer
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics