
基于WPS的空间计算网格技术研究 被引量:3

Research of spatial computing grid technology based on WPS
摘要 为解决以Web Services为核心的Globus等通用网格平台框架在异构空间计算资源的抽象整合、注册查找、远程访问协作方面的不足,提出了以OGC(open geospatial consortium)组织制定的WPS(web processing service)服务取代WebServices,构建空间信息领域的计算网格系统。以WPS服务为核心,分别设计了空间计算资源抽象整合、双层注册实体映射和异步服务机制。给出了完整的空间计算网格框架,并进行了相关的应用试验,实验结果表明了基于WPS的空间计算网格能够很好的实现空间计算资源的跨单位共享协作。 To address the problems of integration, register ~ search, remote access of multiple heterogeneous spatial computing resources of the common grid platforms, such as Globus which is based on the core technology of Web Services, a new spatial computing grid system for the spatial information field is designed based on WPS (web processing service), which is made by OGC (open geospatial consortium). With WPS as the core, strategies of integration of spatial computing resources, mapping of double register entities and asynchronous service are designed to construct the platform, and a full framework is given following the above work. A related experiment is carried out at the end, and the result shows that spatial computing grid based on WPS can greatly facilitate the share and cooperation of spatial computing resources between different organizations.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期4041-4047,共7页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家973重点基础研究发展计划基金项目(2009CB723906)
关键词 网格技术 空间计算网格 网络处理服务 注册中心 空间分布式计算 开放地理信息协会 grid technology spatial computing grid UDDI web processing service spatial distributed computing OGC
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