
适应水-空介质航行的共形半环翼布局概念研究 被引量:5

Research on concept of conformal semi-ring wing configuration for water-air medium voyage
摘要 根据跨越水-空界面,在海水、空气两种介质中交替航行的构想,针对飞行器/航行器的气/水动布局设计矛盾,考虑穿越两相界面的巨大冲击载荷,基于可伸展环形翼设计,提出一种共形半环翼布局概念。设计了空中、水下两种基本布局形态,利用弹翼沿轴向对称旋转实现形态之间的过渡转换。采用CFX软件分析了该布局空中构型的气动特性和水下构型的水动特性。数值模拟结果表明,0°攻角时,共形半环翼布局空中构型气动升、阻力系数接近于具有相同翼型、弦长、水平投影面积的平直翼构型的两倍,攻角增大到12°以后,气动升力较参考平直翼构型的增幅降低到百分之十几;水下构型与类鱼雷构型水动特性相当;空中构型在水下航行时,弹翼阻力约占整体布局阻力的50%,弹翼升力在攻角绝对值大于15°时约占50%,随着攻角绝对值减小所占比例迅速增加,3°攻角时弹翼升力占到98%,从而证明共形半环翼布局为适应水-空介质航行所设计的两种构型及其变体方案的合理性及必要性。 To meet the mission requirement of alternately traversing water-air interface and freely voya- ging either in air or water, solve the contradiction between aerodynamic configuration and hydrodynamic con- figuration, and endure huge water-entry impact, a conformal semi-ring wing configuration is proposed based on the extendable ring wing concept. Basic arrangement of single aero and hydro configuration is framed and the switch method is carried out by the wing's symmetrically rotating around aircraft axis. Aerodynamic and hydrodynamic performance of corresponding configuration is simulated by CFX under designed speed. Numeri- cal simulation results indicate that, when the angle of attack (a) is 0°, the lift and drag characteristic of aero configuration is twice as much as the plain wing configuration with the same airfoil, chord length and equivalent wing projective area, when a〉12°, the lift increasing ratio reduces to ten percent. The perform- ance of hydro configuration is approximate to torpedo configuration, and when the aero configuration voyages in water, the wing drag accounts for 50% of the whole drag, while the wing lift proportion is settled to 50% as ︳α ︳ 15°. When the absolute value of a is decreasing, lift ratio of the wing to aero configuration increases sharp- ly, at α=3°, the ratio reaches 98%. All the results validate the rationality and necessity of the two deploy- ments and morphing scenario of conformal semi-ring wing configuration.
出处 《空气动力学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期685-691,共7页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
关键词 共形 半环翼 水-空界面 数值模拟 conformal semi-ring wing water-air interface numerical simulation
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