
老挝人民民主共和国万象省赛宋文县爬立山铁矿地质特征及找矿方向 被引量:8

Geological characteristics and prospecting target of the Pali Mountain iron deposit in SaiSongwen County,Vientiane Province,Laos
摘要 本文以笔者在老挝人民民主共和国万象省赛宋文县爬立山铁矿区开展铁矿产资源勘查评价项目成果为基础,对爬立山铁矿的成矿地质背景、矿床地质特征、地球物理特征、矿床成因、找矿前景等进行了比较详细的研究。结果表明,华力西期为老挝川圹—长山构造带重要的富铁矿成矿期。爬立山铁矿产于华力西期花岗闪长岩与中—上泥盆统灰岩接触带矽卡岩中。矿区矽卡岩发育,已发现的10个原生铁矿体均赋存于花岗闪长岩体与灰岩接触交代形成的矽卡岩带中。矿体形态、产状的变化受矽卡岩体控制。爬立山铁矿为产于华力西期花岗闪长岩围岩接触带中的中高温热液矽卡岩型矿床。该矿为产于花岗闪长岩围岩接触带的矽卡岩、矽卡岩化砂岩和大理岩中的大型铁矿床。在矿区外围找矿潜力巨大。矿体呈脉状、透镜状、似层状。矿体产出部位严格受矿区泥盆系中上泥盆统碳酸盐岩、钙质砂岩层位及北东、北北西向及北西向断层破碎带的控制。容矿岩石主要为中—上泥盆统矽卡岩、矽卡岩化灰岩、大理岩和钙质砂岩。矿石矿物主要以磁铁矿、赤铁矿为主,次为褐铁矿及少量黄铜矿、黄铁矿;脉石矿物主要为方解石、石英、透辉石、透闪石、石榴子石、绿泥石、绿帘石等。研究表明碳酸盐岩地层、花岗闪长岩的侵入、北西向老挝川圹—长山构造带断层的多期次活动及其后期构造作用形成的北东向断层和东西向断层是区内矽卡岩型铁矿形成的重要控制因素。在综合研究成矿地质条件和磁异常特征的基础上,总结了主要找矿标志和找矿方向,提出矿区磁异常深部及外围尚有矽卡型铁矿找矿潜力。本文的研究成果为区内找矿突破提供了新思路和新资料。为老挝川圹—长山成矿带富铁矿找矿突破奠定了基础。 Based on mineral resources survey of the Pali Mountain in SaiSongwen County,Vientiane Province of Laos,this paper deals with geological settings,geological characteristics,geophysical characteristics,ore genesis and prospecting perspective of the Pali Mountain iron deposit.Studies show that Variscan period was an important metallogenic epoch for rich iron deposits in Chuankuang-Changshan structure belt of Laos.The Pali Mountain iron deposit lies at the contact zone between granodiorite and Middle-Upper Devonian limestone in the Chuankuang-Changshan structure belt of Laos.The well-developed skarn bands corresponding to ten iron mineralized bodies are exposed in the mining district.The ore bodies all lie in garnet skarns formed by contact between granodiorite and limestone.The variations of the modes of occurrence of ore bodies are controlled by the skarns.The deposit was formed in magmatic epoch and ore bodies are mainly in lenticular,layered and stratoid forms in marble.Controlled strictly by fractured zones,the ore bodies lie in carbonate rock and calcareous sandstone and limestone of Middle-Upper Devonian period and the NW-,NE-and EW-trending fracture zones in strata.The ore deposit is a mesothermal skarn type iron deposit.The potential resource quantity of the Pali Mountain iron deposit is huge and the favorable places in search for the same type of iron deposits is in the depth and the periphery of the ore deposit.The host rocks are mainly skarn and skarnized limestone and calcareous sandstone of the Middle-Upper Devonian period.Ore minerals are mainly magnetite,hematite and subordinately limonite,chalcopyrite and pyrite.Vein minerals are mainly quartz,calcite,diopside,tremolite,garnet,chlorite,and epidote.This paper sums up the carbonate strata,the intrusion of granodiorite and the multiple activities of the Chuankuang-Changshan structure belt in Laos.The NW-,NE-EW-trending faults are the factors that jointly control the formation of the skarn-type iron deposit.Based on geological features,ore-controlling factors,this paper deals with prospecting criteria and targets in search for iron deposits in this region.The discovery of the Pali Mountain iron deposit has provided new train of thought and new data in search for this type of iron deposits in the Chuankuang-Changshan structure belt of Laos.
出处 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1375-1386,共12页 Geology in China
基金 中国地质调查局国际合作项目"老挝万象省赛宋文县爬立山铁矿普查项目"资助
关键词 铁矿 矽卡岩型 花岗闪长岩 爬立山 老挝人民民主共和国万象省赛宋文县 iron ore skarn-type granodiorite Pali Mountain SaiSongwen County Vientiane Province of LAOS
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