
论盛会期间安保工作中情境预防的运用——以深圳大运“百日行动”的理性分析为参考 被引量:1

On the Use of Situation Prevention of Security During the Grand University Students' Games
摘要 2011年深圳大运会前,"治安高危人员排查清理百日行动"曾引起广泛的关注和争议。从犯罪学的角度考虑,可将这一行动分析认定为犯罪预防中的情境预防,并将注重详细论述其犯罪理论及其瑕疵,从科学的角度论证了深圳大运会"百日行动"的合理性及此范式可以成为一个在我国跨区域联合开展犯罪情境预防的借鉴。 Security personnel who aimed at clearing up high risk accidents took an one-hundred-day actions,which once aroused wide concerns and arguments in public during the grand university students' games held in Shenzhen city in 2011.From the point of criminology,these actions as situation prevention of crime prevention will be regarded,and attention to detail crime theory and its defects will also be paid,to expound scientifically the ration of the one-hundred-day actions during the grand university students' games held in Shenzhen city in 2011,in hope that this way becomes a reference for policemen in combination with others to develop the prevention of crime situation in cross areas in our country.
作者 庞晰月
机构地区 湖南文理学院
出处 《黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报》 2012年第3期57-59,共3页 Journal of Heilongjiang Administrative Cadre College of Politics and Law
关键词 百日行动 情境预防 犯罪转移 university games one-hundred-day actions situation prevention crime shift
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  • 1Ronald V.Clarke. Situational Crime Prevention:Successful Case Studies[M].Albany,NY:Harrow and Hesston,1997.4.
  • 2Ronald V.Clarke. Situational Crime Prevention:The Theory and Practice[J].British Journal of Criminology,1980.1.
  • 3David Weisburd. Reorienting Crime Prevention Research and Policy:From the Causes of Criminality to the Context of Crime[A].1997.
  • 4Ronald V.Clarke. Theoretical Background To Crime Prevention Through Environment Design(CPTED) And Situational Prevention[A].Sydney,Austrilia,1989.
  • 5上海市公安局杨浦分局课题组.开展社区情境预防的探索与实践[J].公安理论与实践(上海公安高等专科学校学报),2008,18(6):36-40. 被引量:3




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