目的观察"唤醒优质服务链"对神经外科监护室昏迷患者的促醒效果。方法 2011年4月实施"唤醒优质服务链"以前的85例作为对照组,以常规治疗、护理为主,辅以促醒治疗;2011年4月后实施"唤醒优质服务链"的78例为试验组,接受促醒治疗早期介入、与常规治疗护理并重、多科室密切合作的"唤醒优质服务链"。对患者出现呼唤反应和格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)进行评定。结果治疗后第1周两组患者呼唤反应和GCS差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗第2周、第4周两组患者呼唤反应和GCS差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 "唤醒优质服务链"可提高神经外科昏迷患者的呼唤反应,促进神经功能恢复。
Objective To observe the wake-promoting effects of " Awaken Quality Care Chain" on coma patients in the neuro- surgery intensive care units (NICU) of our hospital. Methods Eighty five patients who were treated before implementation of "Awak- en Quality Care Chain" in April of 2011 were used as control while 78 cases who were treated using "Awaken Quality Care Chain" were designed as experimental group. For control group, the conventional treatment supplemented with wake-promoting rehabilitation therapy was used. Whereas, the experimental group were treated with "Awaken Quality Care Chain" that include early wake-promoting intervention, conventional treatment and working closely among multi-departments. Efficiency of the therapeutic approaches was evalua- ted by calling response and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Results After the intervention ,no significant difference was observed in call- ing response and GCS scores between the two groups at the first week. However, calling response and the GCS scores of the experimental group were better than that of control patients at the second and the 4th weeks after treatment ( P〈0. 05 ). Conclusion Awaken Quality Care Chain can significantly improve the wakefulness rate and neurological recovery of coma patients
Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
Wake-up therapy
Cerebral coma
Quality care