集肤效应电热抽油杆工作时 ,电流只沿内壁流过 ,外壁无电流 ,且杆外也无电磁场存在 ,故可安全应用。电热杆的交流阻抗远大于导线的电阻 ,因此主要发热体为抽油杆 ,可快速有效地加热杆外的原油 ,而导线不会过热 ,有利于导线的绝缘与保护。通过对电热杆所受电磁力的分析 ,推导出了抽油杆内表面单位面积上所受电磁力的计算公式 ,从而得知电热杆工作时将产生沿径向向外的径向振动 ,振动频率为 1 0 0Hz。但由于振幅较小 。
The principle of heating sucker rod by means of skin effect is expounded. Through an analysis of the electromagnetic force on the electric heated rod, the authors work out the equation for calculating the electromagnetic force on unit area of the rod, and indicate that radial vibration of 100Hz will occur when the rod is in operation, which have little effect on the strength and sealing of the rod owing to minor amplitude.
China Petroleum Machinery