目的 探讨图像叠加技术在髌股关节CT测量中的应用价值。方法 对 30例患者 6 0侧膝关节 (其中47侧膝关节伴有膝周疼痛 ) ,在股四头肌收缩和松驰状态下进行CT扫描 ,分别用图像叠加法和单层法对图像进行测量比较。结果 正常组叠加法在股四头肌松弛及收缩状态下各项指标无显著差异 ,说明叠加法测量误差比较小 ,而单层法的各项测量数值有显著性差异 ,说明其重复性差。结论 采用图像叠加技术能减少测量误差 ,对正确判断髌股关节排列关系有着重要的作用。
Objective To evaluate the use of image addition technique in the field of CT measuring on patellofemoral joints.Method In contractive condition and relaxant condition of quadriceps, 60 knee joints of 30 patients (47 knee joints accompanied with peripatellar pain) were examined by CT scanning,and the CT image addition and single techique. Results In contractive and relaxant condition of quadriceps in the normal group,the difference between index measured by image addition technique were not significant and it was found that demonstrated measurement error of image addition was smaller,but there was significant difference between index measured by single technique,and it suggests that its replication was bad.Conclusion Use of image addition technique can decrease measurement error and play a important role on accurately determining the malaligment of patellofemoral joints.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Suzhou