The Fragrance of the Earth, written by a Hunan writer Tao Shaohong, is an outstanding works which is different from the popular native writing style. This novel, getting away from kinds of conception bound, did not use complicated techniques but contains a series of attractive stories which close to the original essence of writing. In the process of elaborating the stories, a vivid image of solid land, existing as that the land and the revolution, as well as the different life paths of everyone~ with its receptive diversity even contradiction, is shown in the no- vel. An amount of description of local landscape, which is full of life vitality and the quiet dynamism but scare in current writing, constitute the fluttering fragrance of the solid land in Tao's novel which make the whole novel a kind of special dignified and lithe charming.
Journal of Hunan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
Tao Shaohong
The Fragrance of the Earth
anti - culture symbol
revolution writing native writing