
解读印度贵霜早期国王和年代的重要实物依据——腊跋闼柯贵霜碑铭述考 被引量:1

Interpretation of the Physical Basis of Kings and Times in the Early Kushan——Research on the Rabatak Inscription
摘要 1993年,阿富汗巴格兰地区出土了一件贵霜新碑铭——腊跋闼柯碑铭。对腊跋闼柯铭文四位国王序列的释读,首次确立了早期贵霜的王系,也为迦腻色伽纪元问题的解决迎来了曙光。该铭文中,名号"王中之王"的书写规范,同时喻示了维玛.塔克图王的纪元法与安息纪元之间的联系。这一发现可以作为维玛·塔克图使用的"未知纪元"年代的判断依据,并为最终推算迦腻色伽所属年代和迦腻色伽纪元提供了新的可能。 Rabatak Inscription was excavated from Baghlan in Afghan in 1993, which recorded the first four Kus- han Kings'names, anti ascertained the ancestry of these four kings. Therefore, the discovery of the first four Kush- an Kings, which is very significant in Kushana study, established the early Kushana history for the first time. Meanwhile, the problem of Kanishka era comes to a new evidence. Significantly, the record rule in the new in- scription suggested the relationship between the Unknow Era used in Vima Takto period and the Arsacid Era. This discovery makes a clue for the King Kanishka~ Era which w~ n^rn^rl ~f~,~r h;m
作者 赵玲
出处 《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期65-73,共9页 Journal of Hunan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 腊跋闼柯铭文 迦腻色伽 维玛·塔克图 Rabatak Inscription, Kanishka, Vima Takto
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