
学业成绩与内化行为问题的预测关系:一年的追踪研究 被引量:20

Academic Achievement and Internalizing Problem:A One-year Longitudinal Study
摘要 目的:探讨学业成绩与内化行为问题的预测关系。方法:使用同伴提名、自我报告以及学校记录对小学四年级到初中二年级787名儿童进行为期一年的追踪研究,采用结构方程模型进行交叉滞后分析,考察学业成绩与内化行为问题的相互预测关系。结果:①在前后测之中,学业成绩都与孤独感、抑郁感和社会退缩行为呈显著负相关,与一般自我价值感呈显著正相关;②交叉滞后模型结果显示,前测学业成绩可以预测后测内化行为问题,而前测内化行为问题不能预测后测学业成绩。结论:在学习成绩与内化行为问题的预测关系中,先前学业成绩对后来内化行为问题的预测力比先前内化行为问题对后来学业成绩的预测力更强。 Objective: To examine the predictive relation between academic achievement and internalizing problem.Methods: 787 children of grade 4~8 in Shanghai participated in this one-year longitudinal study.Information on academic achievement,loneliness,depression,self-perception and social withdrawal,was collected from school record,peer assessment and self-report.Results: ①At both Time 1 and Time 2,academic achievement was negatively associated with loneliness,depression and social withdrawal while positively associated with self perception of general self-worth;②Cross-lagged analysis by SEM revealed that after controlling Time 1 internalizing problem,Time 1 academic achievement was a significant predictor of Time 2 internalizing problem.However,Time 1 internalizing problem wasn't a significant predictor of Time 2 academic achievement when controlling Time 1 academic achievement.Conclusion: The results may help us understand developmental relation of children's academic achievement and internalizing problem in Chinese culture.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期697-701,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 上海市教育发展基金会晨光计划项目(08CG53) 上海市教育科学研究项目(B11039)的资助
关键词 学业成绩 内化行为问题 交叉滞后 结构方程模型 Academic achievement Internalizing problem Cross-lagged analysis SEM
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