

Research on a Novel High Performance DC/DC Switching Converter based on Coupled Inductors and Planar Transformers Technique
摘要 开关变换器利用耦合电感能够减小相电流和输出电压纹波值,负载突变响应更快速,减少输出去耦电容。这些优点使耦合电感成为计算机工业领域中一种非常有吸引力的技术。本文阐述了分析采用耦合电感的开关变换器的一种新方法,并提出了一种新颖的N-线圈耦合电感的规范电路模型。利用这种模型,变换器中的耦合电感线圈电流波形和纹波与非耦合电感的变换器一样容易被确定。论文也针对进一步减小变流器磁性器件的体积、重量和损耗问题研究了集成磁技术,即把开关变流器中所有主要磁性器件从结构上集中在一起,用一个磁性器件来实现,经过优化设计,磁芯当中的磁通变化量减小,从而降低磁芯损耗,减小磁芯体积。 This paper describes a novel modeling approach for analyzing coupled inductors circuit. The proposed model is easy to use and suitable for analyzing switched-mode power converters utilizing coupled inductors. It successfully and quantitatively reveals how coupling coefficient affects steady state and transient performances. Results from experimental measurement and theoretical calculation show excellent agreement, demonstrating the validity and accuracy of the proposed model. Through integrating the circuit simulation software Saber and the electromagnetic analysis software Maxwell 3D to the optimization tool iSIGHT, the parasitic effects on planar transformers are studied carefully, and a new method to avoid parasitic oscillations with dangerous high voltage spikes to improve the SMPS performance is established.
出处 《深圳信息职业技术学院学报》 2012年第3期46-53,共8页 Journal of Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology
关键词 耦合电路 互感线圈 开关变换器 集成磁路 DC/DC coupling circuit coupled inductors switching converter optimizing
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