
家长参与小学生家庭作业行为方式的研究 被引量:10

Development of Behavior Questionnaire for Parental Involvement in Pupils' Homework
摘要 在文献分析基础上,结合开放式问卷调查及访谈结果,提出家长参与小学生家庭作业行为方式问卷的维度设想,并编制初测问卷。初测和正式施测被试均为南京市和芜湖市的小学生家长。结果表明:家长参与小学生家庭作业行为方式问卷具有良好的信度、效度指标,可作为小学生家长参与家庭作业行为方式的测量工具。 The structure of behavior questionnaire for parental involvement in pupils' homework was presented based on overviews of former researches, the results of open-ended questionnaires and interviews. Subjects of initial test and formal test are pupils' parents in Nanjing and Wuhu. The findings of this research suggest that behavior questionnaire for parental involvement in pupils' homework is a promising questionnaire with satisfactory psychometric features. This questionnaire could be used as a tool to assess parental behaviors for involving in pupils' homework.
出处 《宁波教育学院学报》 2012年第5期100-104,共5页 Journal of Ningbo Institute of Education
基金 教育部2009年人文社科项目"教师发展的人文关怀与心理疏导机制研究"的部分研究成果 项目编号:09YJAXLX001
关键词 小学生 家庭作业 家长参与 问卷 pupils homework parental involvement questionnaire
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