目的评价机用镍钛器械Pro Taper和R-Endo根备系统预备根管的临床效果。方法选择临床上需进行根管治疗的160颗患牙(共512个根管),随机分为实验组(253个根管)和对照组(259个根管),每组各80颗牙。实验组使用机用镍钛器械Pro Taper技术预备根管,对照组使用R-Endo技术预备根管。两组均用冷牙胶侧方加压技术充填根管。记录两组根管预备时间和术后并发症出现情况,根据治疗前、中、后的X线片评价根管预备和充填的效果。结果实验组根管预备时间为15 min,明显少于对照组40 min,根管成形和充填效果两组无差异。结论机用Pro Taper系统应用于根管治疗预备具有良好的成形和充填效果,且根管预备快速、高效;R-Endo系统操作简单,对根尖周组织激惹度较小。
Objective To assess the clinical effects of rotary Pro Taper and R-Endo in pre-paration of root canals.Methods A total of 160 teeth with totally 512 cannals which needed root canal treatment were selected and randomly divided into 2 groups with 80 teeth in each group.The 253 root canals were prepared with rotary Pro Taper as the experimental group and the other 259 root canals were prepared with rotary R-Endo as the control respectively.And both were filled with cold lateral condensation technique.Record the time used to prepare root canals and postoperatire complications.Estimate the effects of root canal preparation and filling according to pre-therapy and post-therapy X-ray and X-ray in the treatment.Results The time of preparation in PT group(15 min) was obviously shorter than that in the control group(40 min).The effects of root canal shaping and filling in the experimental group and control group had no statistical difference(P0.05).Conclusions Rotary Pro Taper showed high performance,better shaping ability,better filling ability,and effective in root canal preparation;R-Endo NiTi rotary system is simpler and the apical stimulus is lighter.