

An Analysis of Anti-Semitism in Quebec On the Perspective of Traditional French Nationalism Discourse
摘要 民族主义一直是加拿大法裔社会的主导性意识形态。加拿大法裔民族主义从18世纪60年代形成至今,经历了空间性和历时性的演变。犹太人虽然不是法裔民族主义反对的首要目标,但是在法裔传统民族主义的"文化生存"话语下,犹太人作为特别的"他者",因其固有的"犹太性"而遭到加拿大范围内最为严重的排斥和敌视。 French nationalism remains the dominant ideology in French Canadian society. Prom the 1760s until now, it has experienced a spatial and diachronic evolution. Although the Jews were not the primary target of French nationalism, but as a special "other" group, their religion belief,life style, profession and social network ran against the French traditional "cultural survival", there was the most serious anti-Semitism in Quebec around Canada during the 1930s-40s.
作者 王建波
出处 《德州学院学报》 2012年第5期84-87,共4页 Journal of Dezhou University
基金 四川省教育厅2012年度人文社会科学重点项目(12SA035)
关键词 加拿大 法裔民族主义 反犹主义 魁北克 Canada French nationalism anti-Semitism Quebec
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