
人乳头瘤病毒(6/11,16/18)核酸实时荧光PCR检测室内质控品研制及应用 被引量:2

Human Papillomavirus (6/11,16/18) Nucleic Acid Fluorescence in Real-time PCR Detection of Indoor Control Materials Research and Application
摘要 目的研制HPV(6/11),(16/18)型核酸质控品应用于实时荧光PCR检测分析的室内质量控制。方法采用HPV(6/11)型和HPV(16/18)型荧光定量PCR诊断试剂盒,对患者的分泌物进行FQ-PCR检测。提取双阳性分泌物,经适当灭活后,将HPV(6/11),(16/18)型核酸模式的阳性混合标本经过回收、防腐、调剂及分装等流程,制成中、高值各3个批次的质控品,完成校准和比对试验。分别进行不少于6个月的室内质控检测,观察其稳定性,确定其靶值。计算5,CV,绘制质控图。结果各批次质控品前6个月的HPV(6/11),(i6/18)型核酸质控品相对稳定(P〈0.05)。质控物高低值的变异范围分别为1.99%和2.61%(CV〈5%),批问差CV〈10%,稳定性好。结论HPV型模式的阳性混合标本制备定量检测的HPV(6/11),(16/18)型核酸质控品的稳定性好,可用于HPV(6/11),(16/18)型核酸荧光定量的PCR诊断的室内质量控制,测定结果能反应标本的真实性,有一定的临床实用价值。 Objective To develop of HPV (6/11), (16/18) nucleic acid control materials used in real-time fluorescence PCR assay analysis of internal quality control. Methods With of HPV (6/11) type and HPV (16/18) fluorescence quantitative PCR diagnostic kit,detected the secretions of patients with FQ-PCR. Extraction of double-positive secretions inactivated, ac- cording to HPV (6/11), (16/18)-type nucleic acid positive mixed mode specimens, after recovery, corrosion,dispensing and repackaging process, made of high values of three batches of quality control materials and completed the calibration and com- parisontest. Then made not less than eight months of internal quality control inspection,observation of its stability,and de- termined its target value,calculation,s, CV, drawing quality control chart. Results Each batch quality control materials of the first six months of HPV (6/11), (16/18) nucleic acid control materials was relatively stable ( P〈 0.05), the range of variation of quality control high and low values were 1.99% ,2.61% (CV(5G) and between-run CV〈10%. Conclusion Positive mixed sample preparation for quantitative detection of HPV type model of HPV (6/11), (16/18) nucleic acid con- trol materials had stability and it can be used for HPV (6/11), (16/18) nucleic acid fluorescence quantitative PCR diagnostic internal quality control, determination of the results reflect the authenticity of the specimens, the clinical value.
作者 裴兵
机构地区 泗洪县人民医院
出处 《现代检验医学杂志》 CAS 2012年第5期154-157,共4页 Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
关键词 实时荧光定量PCR 质控品 人乳头状瘤(HPV) Keywords : real-time PCR control materials human papillomavirus ( H PV)
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