
重组活化Ⅶ因子对严重创伤合并创伤性凝血病预后的影响 被引量:5

Clinical and prognostic observation on severe trauma patients with traumatic coagulopathy by recombinant activated factor Ⅶ
摘要 目的观察重组活化凝血因子Ⅶ对严重创伤合并创伤性凝血病患者外源性凝血功能、病死率和输血量的影响。方法收集50例严重创伤合并创伤性凝血病患者,分为二组,观察组共27例,在损害控制理念下均予静滴活化重组Ⅶ因子,对照组共23例,应用常规治疗的方法,观察相关指标的改变。结果观察组患者15 d死亡率明显低于对照组(14.81%vs 43.48%),观察组48 h内浓缩红细胞输注量(18.72±3.76 vs 23.52±6.70)、冰冻血浆输注量(19.32±4.30 vs 23.06±4.36)和评分(2.08±0.24 vs 4.41±1.14)均明显低于对照组。结论重组活化凝血因子Ⅶ能改善患者的外源性凝血功能,降低患者病死率,减少输血量。 Objective To investigate the effect of extrinsic coagulation function, mortality rate and blood transfusion on severe trauma patients with trauma coagulopathy by recombinant activated factor Ⅶ. Methods Fifty cases of severe trauma patients with traumatic coagulopathy were divided into two groups. The observation group (27 cases) were performed by recombinant activated factor Ⅶ, the control group (23 cases) were performed by conventional treatment. The related index changes were analyzed in the two groups. Results The motality rate of 15 days were lower in the observation group than in the control group(14.81% vs 43.48%). The 48 h concentrated red cell transfusion amount( 18.72±3.76 vs 23.52±6.70), frozen plasma infusion (19.32±4.30 vs 23.06±4.36) and scores (2.08±0.24 vs 4.41±1.14) were lower in the observation group than in the control group. Conclusion Treatment of recombinant activated factor Ⅷ can improve the extrinsic coagulation function, reduce the mortality rate and blood volume.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2012年第31期46-48,共3页 China Modern Doctor
基金 浙江省瑞安市科技局资助项目(201002058)
关键词 创伤性凝血病 严重创伤 重组活化Ⅶ因子 Traumatic coagulopathy Severe trauma Recombinant activated factor VII
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