
两种不同给药方式分娩镇痛对分娩结局的影响 被引量:1

Compared the effects of two kinds of anesthesia during delivery
摘要 目的探讨不同给药方式分娩镇痛对分娩结局的影响。方法将单胎足月初产妇100例随机分成两组,对照组使产妇全产程处于无痛状态;实验组使产妇于宫口近开全至胎儿娩出时处于轻-中度疼痛状态。观察比较两组的:①催产素使用率、总产程时间、第二产程时间;②分娩方式;③产后2 h出血量、产道裂伤情况;④新生儿出生1 min及5 min Apgar评分、新生儿损伤情况。结果实验组催产素应用率、总产程、第二产程时间、剖宫产、器械产、会阴侧切率产道裂伤率及新生儿损伤均显著低于对照组(P<0.05);两组产后2 h出血量、新生儿1 min及5 min Apgar评分比较,均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论第二产程减少镇痛药物剂量,可提高自然分娩率,缩短产程,减少产道裂伤及新生儿损伤。 Objective To compare the effects of two kinds of anesthesia during delivery. Methods All 100 singleton primi- paras were randomly divided to two groups. The women in the control group were painless during the whole stages of labor, while the experimental group were suffered mild to moderate pain during the fully dilation of cervix to the delivery of baby. The observed parameters included (1) The rate of oxytocin, the time of labor. (2) The way of delivery. (3) The volume of post- partum hemorrhage, the laceration of birth canal. (4) The Apgar scores and the birth trauma of neonates. Results In experi- mental group, the rate of oxytoein, the time of labor, the rate of cesarean section, lateral episiotomy and use of forceps, the rate of abnormal fetal position, the prolonged second stage of labor, the laceration of birth canal and the birth trauma of neonates were all significantly reduced compared [o control group (P 〈 0.05). The fetal distress, the birth weight and Apgar scores of neonates had no statistically significance between two groups (P 〉 0.05). Conclusion The reduced dosage of anes- thesia during second stage of labor will increase the rate of spontaneous delivery, shorten the time of labor, decrease the laceration of birth canal and the birth trauma of neonates.
出处 《中国现代医生》 2012年第31期93-95,共3页 China Modern Doctor
关键词 镇痛 硬膜外 产科 产程 舒芬太尼 Analgesic Epidural Obstetric Birth process Sufentanil
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