B eginning in the early 1990s, to an established technique laparoscopy has evolved for the management of many urological diseases including difficult and advanced procedure. As we know, laparoscopy does require a set of skills much different from those of open surgery, among them are reduced depth perception, loss of haptic feedback, restrictive freedom of movement, and requirement of a video-eye-hand coordination. The learning curve for many laparoscopic procedures is steep and laparoscopic-skill acquisition is in fact more difficult than that for open surgery, which further validates the need for training.
B eginning in the early 1990s, to an established technique laparoscopy has evolved for the management of many urological diseases including difficult and advanced procedure. As we know, laparoscopy does require a set of skills much different from those of open surgery, among them are reduced depth perception, loss of haptic feedback, restrictive freedom of movement, and requirement of a video-eye-hand coordination. The learning curve for many laparoscopic procedures is steep and laparoscopic-skill acquisition is in fact more difficult than that for open surgery, which further validates the need for training.