目的介绍烧伤皮肤再生医疗技术(MEBT/MEBO)结合钻孔术在重度烧伤伴胫骨大面积骨外露患者中的使用情况及临床疗效。方法采用烧伤皮肤再生医疗技术处理烧伤创面,用MEBO敷料覆盖创面并无压包扎,每日换药1次。对外露胫骨实行钻孔手术培养肉芽组织后再行植皮手术治疗。结果分别于患者入院后6周、10周行植皮手术封闭肉芽创面,整个病程中,患者有3 d的中度发热,未并发细菌及真菌感染。结论使用MEBT/MEBO治疗烧伤创面,能保证创面湿润不干燥,坏死组织易于清除,清创时间短,患者痛苦小;通过骨钻孔术能在光滑的骨面上培养肉芽组织,后期只需邮票式植皮即可封闭创面,避免了截肢。
Objective To introduce the application situation and clinical efficacy of MEBT/MEBO in combination with drilling in the treatment of major burns combined with extensive tibia exposure. Methods Use MEBT to manage burn wounds and make MEBO dressing to cover the wounds and then bandage them without pressure. Change dressing once per day. Perform drilling on the exposed tibia to culture granulation and later perform skin graftingIlj. Results Perform skin grafting to close the granulation wound in 6th and 10th week respectively. During the whole treatment course, the patient de- veloped moderate fever for three days but no general or fungus infection occurred. Conclusion MEBT/MEBO in the treat- ment of burns can guarantee the wound moist without dehydration, facilitate the dissolution of eschar on the necrotic tissue, shorten the debridement time and reduce patients' pain. Drilling can help culture granulation tissue on the smooth bone sur- face and the wound can be closed simply by stamp-like skin grafting at the later stage, so amputation can be avoided.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers