利用Landsat-5 TM数据分析了永济市上世纪90年代至2008年的土地利用变化,并对其驱动因素进行了分析研究。研究结果表明:永济市城乡居民建设用地增加非常快,耕地面积也在增加,且随着社会经济水平的发展与不断提高,土地利用程度不断加深,经济发展及城镇化速率不断加快,人口逐年增长及国家政策改变等是驱动永济市土地利用变化的主要因素。
Yongji's LUCC situation has been investigated by monitoring an analytical research of phases of Landsat TM data of 1990 and 2008.Tbe results show that: the area of habitat and building land have increased sharply, the area of cultivated land have increased little, and with the development of society and economy, land use degree was being strengthened constantly. The mainly three driving force factors of LUCC were: economic development and urbanization, population increase and the government's determining behavior.
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