Objective AIDS high -risk behavior intervention for the target population at Xizang frontier port is an effective method to prevent HIV transmission and can provide measures and scientific basis for AIDS propaganda activities. Methods 1. Pick intervention objects from target population at 4 border ports during April to September 2010, using cluster sampling method. 2. Carry out health education and behavior intervention activities on investigating objects. 3. Provide HIV antibody testing to some of the high risk groups like barmaids. 4. Evaluate the results of health education and behavior intervention. 5. Discuss and formulate future plans and measures of health education and behavior intervention for target population at ports. Results There are obvious effects among target populations after the intervention of basic AIDS knowledge at Xizang border ports. There is significant difference in people who know about AIDS pathogen before and after training, X2 = 22. 19 P 〈0. 001. There is significant difference in people who know about the transmission mutes of MDS before and after training, X2 =44.54 P 〈0. 001. There is significant difference in people of different educated levels who know about the transmission routes of AIDS before and after training, X2 = 255.841 P 〈 0. 001. There is significant difference in people of different occupation before and after training about preventing AIDS by using of condoms, X2 = 317.094 P 〈0. 001. The attitude toward MDS in target population at border ports has improved. There is significant difference in people who will go to regular hospital if they suspect themselves having been infected with HIV, x2 =41. 376 P 〈0.001. There is significant difference in people whom will go to regular hospital or blood center to donate blood before and after they were intervened about blood - borne AIDS, X2 = 58.89 P 〈 0. 001. There is significant difference in people who pay sympathy and are willing to help HIV -infected patients before and after training, X2 =45.129 P 〈0.001. Conclusion The basic knowledge of AIDS among target population at Xizang border ports is relatively low. Training and various forms of propaganda has made obvious effects. It is one of the most effective AIDS preventing and control methods to publicize the knowledge of AIDS and its prevention.
Port Health Control
AIDS behavior intervention target population evaluation