The article analyzes the background and status quo of the development Of the course Sports & Leisure in both America and Taiwan Region. Certification of the courses given by NRPA and AALR and Jin Minling's cur- ricular chart are also introduced. In accordance with the curricular chart and the 7.00 to 9.00 certification cri- teria ,the paper then tries to categorize and number the 5,796 courses under 9 groups that are run in 66 Ameri- can and 22 Taiwan universities. Descriptive statistics, ehi-square interaction analysis, Pier Carson tests are also conducted by means of SPSS11.5 to find out the differences between America and Taiwan Region and to provide reference for the universities in China's Mainland. The findings of the research spot a lot of differences in both required and optional courses of the nine categories. Taiwan should learn from America in at least three catego- ries of courses, that is, Basic Concept in Leisure and Recreation, Management of the Environments for Leisure and Recreation and Recreational Therapy.