
中国省会城市客运出租汽车数量管制强度分类 被引量:4

Clustering Taxi Quantity Regulatory Levels of Chinese Capital Cities
摘要 由于不同管制目标下的城市客运出租汽车数量管制绩效存在差异,为掌握省会城市客运出租汽车数量管制强度,将人口拥有率、建成区面积拥有率、公交客运量比率、GDP拥有率、道路面积拥有率和对外客运量比率作为分类指标,运用模糊-均值聚类法对中国省会城市客运出租汽车的数量管制强度进行分类,进行Matlab 7.0编程,经聚类有效性分析和F-统计量检验后获得最佳分类方案.结果表明,将31个样本城市的客运出租汽车数量管制强度分为低、较低、中、较高、高5个等级最佳,分类结果为建立出租汽车数量调控模型奠定了基础. Different purposes of taxi quantity control lead to different performances of quantity regulation in Chinese urban areas. To obtain a clear division of taxi quantity regulation levels of Chinese capital cities, a fuzzy c-means clustering is presented. The paper identifies six important demanding factors such as population, urban built-up area, transit volume, GDP, road area and amount of intercity passenger to get the corresponding indexes of urban taxi quantity regulatory levels. An effecient classification scheme is selected with clustering effectiveness analysis and F-statistics test after running a dedicated the MATLAB 7. 0 program. The result indicates that thirty-one capital cities of China's Mainland are definitely classified into five categories. The categorization of quantity regulatory levels in this paper provide references for formulating the of taxi license supply models.
作者 姚志刚 程高
出处 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1-6,共6页 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(10YJC790340) 长安大学省级哲学社会科学重点研究基地项目(JD0902) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(CHDW2011ZD010)
关键词 交通运输经济 管制强度分类 模糊-c均值聚类 出租汽车 省会城市 transportation economy quantity regulatory level fuzzy c-means clustering taxi capital city
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