本届拜罗伊特音乐节的开幕式如往常绚丽绽放,德国总理默克尔及其至亲一如既往地为开幕式增色添彩,莅临观看了由初来乍到拜罗伊持,年仅30岁的年轻导演扬·菲利普·格洛格尔(Jan Philipp Gloger)执导的瓦格纳第一部成熟歌剧《漂泊的荷兰人》的全新制作。与之合作的则是"绿丘"(指拜罗伊特音乐节,因拜罗伊特节日剧院位于拜罗伊特城北的绿丘上)的"天才少年"克里斯蒂安·蒂勒曼(ChristianThielemann),他静静藏匿在乐池深处。
Der fliegende Hollander,the only new production of this year's Bayreuth Festival,was directed by 30-year-old German theatre director Jan Philipp Gloger,a newcomer to Bayreuth,with Christian Thielemann as conductor.The new production ran into a trouble when Russian-born bassbaritone Evgeny Nikitin was forced to quit over a row surrounding Nazirelated tattoos.His understudy South Korean-born bass-baritone Samuel Youn rose to the occasion,giving a strong and commanding performance as the Dutchman.But Gloger's transfer from the nautical world to business world was not generally well-received.