目的 :调查验证手淫和早泄的因果关系。 方法 :选择 10 0名自愿参加调查的早泄病人 ,填写自行设计的定式表格。 结果 :平均射精潜伏期为 ( 1.2± 0 .8)分 ,平均抽动次数为 ( 11.7±11.2 )次 ,平均开始手淫的年龄为 ( 18.1± 3.5)岁。 51%的病人认为早泄与精神紧张有关 ,4 1%认为无关。 69%承认有过手淫 ,6%否认手淫 ,2 5%很少手淫 ,而其中 58%不认为在手淫时有精神紧张 ,只有 54 %担心首次性交会发生早泄 ,有 2 9%认为手淫对身体无害。 结论 :早泄者中手淫的发生率不高 ,手淫开始的年龄也晚 ,至少有 30 %的早泄不是由手淫或焦虑引起的。
Objective:To study causal relationhip between masturbation and premature ejaculation. Method:One hundred volunteers who had premature ejaculation were recruited and surveyed with a questionnaire on a self reporting basis. Results:The mean ejaculatory latency was (1 2±0 8) minutes.The mean number of thrusts was (11 7±11 2). The average age that subjects started to have masturbation was (18 1±3 5).Fiftyone percent of the patients believed that premature ejaculation was related to anxiety,but 41% believed there was no association.Sixty nine percent admitted to have history of masturbation,twenty five percent seldom masturbated and 6% denied any history.Of those having masturbation,fifty eight percent did not have anxiety during the act while fifty four percent worried that the first sexual intercourse was associated with premature ejaculation.Twenty nine percent believed that masturbation caused no harm to health. Conclusion:The practice of masturbation is not universal among patients with premature ejaculation,and the age at the first masturbation was also later than the population mean.At least 30% of premature ejaculations were unrelated to masturbation or anxiety.The authors recommended further research into the pathogenesis of premature ejaculation.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Masturbation Premature ejaculation