目的 :研究恢复期精神分裂症患者认知功能损害特点。 方法 :对 2 6例病情已达显著进步以上的精神分裂症患者及 2 5例健康者评定认知功能障碍的状况。 结果 :所有实验组患者与对照组相比较 ,在注意、记忆及信息整合与执行功能方面均有不同程度缺损。 结论 :认知功能障碍是精神分裂症的核心症状之一 ,以阳、阴性症状为主的临床诊疗标准存在一定的局限性 。
Objective:To discuss the features of cognitive impairment in remited inpatients with schizophrenia. Method:26 remited inpatients with schizophrenia and 25 normal controls were studied on their cognitive functional impairment. Results:There were significant differences between the two groups in attention,memory,information integration and executive function. Conclusion:Cognitive impairment of remited inpatients with schizophrenia was one of their nuclear symptoms. The general criteria that combined with positive and negative symptoms for schizophrenia was not well enough. To assess the cognitive impairment should be taken into precise account.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry