
基于RS与GIS的武汉城市湖泊演化研究 被引量:27

Study on evolution of urban lakes in Wuhan based on RS/GIS
摘要 以武汉市主城区为例,利用1995和2005年Landsat 5两期TM影像与2000和2010年Landset 7两期ETM+影像的解译结果,基于景观分形理论与GIS的空间分析功能相结合的研究方法,分别构建湖泊变化强度指数和湖泊分形维数变化指数。从湖泊面积变化和湖泊形态变化,以及湖泊水域和其他土地利用类型的转移变化特点与影响进行综合分析。来丰富湖泊演化的分析方法,并总结高速城市化背景下湖泊的变化规律,从而更深入地了解和认识人类活动因素与湖泊水域动态变化之间的响应关系,同时提出若干城市湖泊治理与管理的方式。研究结果表明,(1)15年间的湖泊水域面积总量的变化呈现萎缩的趋势,年变化量在逐渐减小,湖泊萎缩的速度得到了一定的控制。(2)1995—2010年湖泊分形维数也呈逐期较小趋势,说明湖泊几何形状趋于简单化,人为活动对湖泊的影响加大。(3)15年来主城区28个主要湖泊的变化强度指数均为负值,呈萎缩趋势。但从2000年开始,少数湖泊变化强度指数为正值,萎缩趋势得到初步的控制。(4)1995—2010年间湖泊的水域面积主要转移成为建设用地和耕地。其转移面积占转移总面积的87.02%。围湖造田和城市化率的迅速提高对城市湖泊的演化影响深刻。(5)城市化背景下湖泊面积与形态变化的规律并非完全与城市化发展速率呈正比的关系,当城市化率上升到一定的阶段后,城市内部对生态环境的保护与要求也不断提高。为改善城市环境和城市内部的生态用地,湖泊应得到立法等强制性保护。 This study, taking the main urban area of Wuhan city as research object, used interpretation results of the TM image of Landsat5 in 1995 and 2005 and ETM+ image of Landset7 in 2000 and 2010, based on a quantitative research by a comprehensive research method with Fractal Theory and GIS landscape spatial analysis function to build lakes varying intensity index and lakes fractal dimension index respectively. The study conducted a comprehensive analysis between the changes of lake area and lake morphology in order to enrich the analysis of lake evolution. It also tries to summarize the lake variation in the context of rapid urbanization, and the type of transfer characteristics and influence by land transfer matrix analysis. Consequently, analysis results help us to understand the response relationship between human activities and the dynamic changes of the lake waters thoroughly. A number of lake harness and management measures have been put forward in the article. The results show that: (1) General characteristics of lake evolution are withering during these 15 years. It has been basically controlled at the low annual rate of change. (2) Fractal Dimension of Lake is decreasing too. It represents that shape of lake is simple and the effect of human activities is intense from 1995 to 2010. (3) Intensity Index of Lake Evolution of main 28 urban lakes is negative in these 15 years while a few lakes' Intensity Index of Lake Evolution is positive from 2000. (4) In 1995 to 2010, the water areas of lake were mainly transferred into construction land and farmland. The transferred water areas account for 87.02% of the total transferred area. It is deeply influence for the urban lakes that reclaiming land from lakes and high rate of urbanization. (5) In the context of rapid urbanization, lakes area and morphological changes are not directly relevant with the urbanization rate. When urbanization rate goes up to a certain stage, the urban ecological protection simultaneously needs to improve. In order to improve the urban environment and ecological field, the lakes should be protected by mandatory Legislation.
出处 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期1588-1593,共6页 Ecology and Environmental Sciences
基金 国家863项目(2009AA122001) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(121010)
关键词 武汉市 湖泊演化 湖泊分形维数 湖泊变化强度指数 Wuhan city lake evolution fractal Dimension of Lake intensity Index of Lake Evolution
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