
蛇钩口线虫长沙分离株ITS基因的克隆及序列分析 被引量:1

Cloning and sequence analysis of ITS of hookworm isolates from Changsha
摘要 为研究蛇钩口线虫长沙分离株的核糖体DNA(rDNA)内转录间隔区(ITS)序列的遗传变异情况,并利用ITS序列构建蛇钩口线虫与其它线虫的种群遗传关系,本研究利用PCR扩增蛇钩口线虫rDNA的ITS片段,并克隆至pGEM-T载体中进行序列测定及分析。结果显示,长沙市各分离株的ITS序列长度均为734 bp,与其它线虫的同源性均低于83.9%,而与十二指肠钩口线虫的同源性较高。本研究为蛇钩口线虫的分类鉴定以及进一步的分子流行病学调查和群体遗传研究奠定了基础。 To analysis the sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA of hookworm isolates from snake in Changsha, the ITS sequences were amplified and the amplicons were cloned into pGEM-T vector for sequencing. The sequence analysis revealed that these ITS sequences were 734 bp in length. The results indicate that these ITS sequences provided to be a useful genetic Marker for identification hookworm species. It was the first time that the ITS sequence of hookworm were reported in our study, which laid the foundation for further study on molecular epidemiology and diagnostics of hookworm.
出处 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期923-925,共3页 Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(30771616) 湖南省科技计划一般项目(2011NK3072) 湖南省科技计划一般项目(2010FJ3006) 湖南省教育厅一般项目(11C0669) 湖南省畜牧水产局项目
关键词 蛇钩口线虫 ITS PCR 序列分析 snake hookworm internal transcribed spacer PCR sequence analysis
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