
日本古代到中世的天皇世系话语 被引量:1

The Discourse of Japanese Emperor Lineage in Ancient Times and Middle Ages
摘要 日本古代的天皇世系话语出现于公元8世纪初期,此后经过多次变迁,到平安时代末期形成了"天神五代—地神七代—人王百代"话语。该话语的整体结构是受到中国三才思想影响,在"天神地祗"观念的基础上产生的。天照大神的地神化的现实动因在于朝廷强调天照大神与天皇制的关系,凸显天皇制的神圣起源和连续性。关于"人王百代",古代日本人曾经有过截然相反的两种理解,一是认为"百代"意味着无限多代天皇,另一种则是"百王断绝说"。该说法一度给古代朝廷造成很大威胁。中世的世系话语演变为以天皇制为中心,囊括中国、印度历史的世界观,其中蕴涵了维护天皇制和宣扬民族优越感等两种意识。 The discourse of the Ancient Japanese Emperor Lineage emerged in early 8th century AD. Since then, it has seen a lot of changes. It is riot until the Heian Period that the discourse of "Five Generations of Celestial Deities---Seven Generations of Earthly Deities Hundred Generations of Human Emperors" came into being. The total structure of the discourse is influenced by the Chinese Philosophy of Three Powers and formed on the basis of. the notion of "The Gods of Heaven and Earth". The realistic motivation of secularizing Amaterasu Oomikami stems from the royal court' s emphasis on the connection between Amaterasu Oomikami and the Japanese Imperial System in order to highlight the divine origin and the continuity of the Japanese Imperial System. In terms of "Hundred Gnerations of Human Emperors", there existed two drastically opposite understandings. One posits that hundred generations implies infinite generations of Japanese emperors, while the other suggests that the reign of the Japanese emperors would terminate by the hundredth generation. The latter was once posing a great threat to the ancient royal court. The development in lineage discourse of the Japanese Middle Ages has centered on the Japanese Imperial System, comprising the world views of Ancient China and India and containing two ideologies of maintaining imperial system and advocating ethnocentrism.
作者 刘琳琳
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期148-155,共8页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 天皇世系 天神五代 地神七代 百王断绝说 Japanese Emperor Lineage Five Generations of Celestial Deities Seven Generations of Earthly Deities Termination of the Imperial Court by the Hundredth Emperor of Japan
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  • 1大森志郎《百王思想》,《日本文学》第21卷第7号,第5页.
  • 2[日]北畠亲房:《神垒正统记》,载《日本古典文学大系》第87卷,岩波书店1965年版,第66页.
  • 3[日]北畠亲房:《神皇正统记》,载《日本古典文学大系》第87卷,岩波书店1965年版,第63蠕.
  • 4《增补史料大成》别卷,载《小右记》(三),临川书店1965年版,第267-268页.
  • 5《延历寺护国缘起》,载《大日本佛教全书》第126卷,佛书刊行会1914年版,第418-419页.
  • 6[日]慈圆:《愚管抄》,载《日本古典文学大系》第86卷,岩波书店1967年版,第129页.
  • 7《日本书纪》,载《新编日本古典文学全集》第2卷,小学馆1994年版,第210页.
  • 8《古今和歌集》,载《新日本占典文学大系》第5卷,小学馆1989年版,第381页.
  • 9[日]藤原资隆《帘中抄》.载《冷泉家时雨亭丛书》第48卷,朝日新闻社2000年版,第25-30页.









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