

The Properties of Thin Film Transistors with Mg-In-Zn-O Schottky Source and Drain
摘要 通过溶胶-凝胶法在SiO2/Si衬底上制备Mg-In-Zn-O(MIZO)透明氧化物半导体薄膜,并制备了MIZO肖特基源漏薄膜晶体管。实验结果表明,制备的MIZO薄膜呈现非晶态,具有良好的透过率。5%配比的MIZO具有较好的晶体管特性,其他Mg配比的MIZO薄膜晶体管性能随着Mg含量增加而变差。实验结果发现,由于先在氧化层上淀积金属源漏,使得器件受到较多界面态的影响,导致漏电流崩塌效应,漏电流随着漏电压的增大而略微变小,当改变金属的淀积顺序时,此效应得到改善。 ZnO based transparent oxide Mg-In-Zn-O(MIZO) films were prepared by sol-gel method.MIZO thin film transistors were fabricated.The result shows that the films are amorphous and transparent.All the transistors fabricated with different content MIZO films show the transistor properties.The properties become worse with increase of the Mg content.Owing to the Ids collapse effect,the drain current decreases a little with the increase of the drain voltage.
出处 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期510-515,共6页 Research & Progress of SSE
关键词 溶胶-凝胶法 MIZO薄膜 薄膜晶体管 sol-gel method MIZO film thin film transistor
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