
碳税、碳交易与行政命令减排——基于cournot模型的分析 被引量:6

Comparative analysis of Emission Taxes,Carbon Trading and Command and Control-Based on cournot model
摘要 行政命令减排是中国传统的碳减排手段,碳税和碳交易是中国正在积极探索实践的两种市场化减排手段。在较长的一段时间内,这三种情形将可能并存。本文借鉴Sartzetakis的分析框架,用cournot模型将这三种减排手段统一起来并对其进行分析,比较了各种减排手段下的社会总产出、社会总福利、单个厂商的产出以及利润等。研究发现,碳交易在减排方面的作用要高于碳税。行政命令减排在很长的一段时期内仍将是减排的主要手段,如果使用得当,行政命令的效果也可能会优于碳税和碳交易。 Command and Control ( CAC ) by central government has been widely employed as one of the key measures of emission reduction in China. Additionally, the other two market - based measures, carbon tax and carbon trading, have emerged and been put to practice. These three measures are expected to coexist for a long time in the future. In this article9 following Sartzetakis ~ analytical framework 9 the authors employ the Cournot model to analyze systematically the three measures, and compare the total social output, social welfare, individual output and profit under each circumstance. Our analysis shows that: The effect of carbon trading in emission reduction is better than carbon tax. When certain conditions are met, the effect of CAC maybe prior to the other two.
作者 任志娟
出处 《贵州财经学院学报》 北大核心 2012年第6期1-7,共7页 Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"中国碳排放总量确定 指标分配 实现路径机制设计博弈分析及动态模拟研究"(10AJY002) 北京市哲学社会科学规划项目"目标管理模式下北京市实现碳强度目标的机制与路径研究"(11JGC127)
关键词 碳税 碳交易 行政命令减排 COURNOT模型 carbon tax carbon trading command and control cournot model
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