
样例学习理论研究新进展 被引量:7

The New Development in the Worked Example Learning Theory
摘要 样例是知识获取的主要途径。根据样例学习的相似性理论,在样例学习过程中,至少要呈现两个或多个样例,而解释性理论认为只要样例合理,可以向学生呈现一个样例。Anderson等人在ACT-R理论的基础上,提出了四阶段重叠模型,Sweller从认知资源的角度提出了认知负荷理论。四种样例学习理论从不同角度指导着样例学习实证研究与教学实践。 Learning from the worked examples is the main way to gain knowledge. According to the similarity-based theory, performance is enhanced when there are at least two or more examples presented in the process of learning from the worked examples, while the explanation-based theory holds that one example is enough so long as it is a case in point. Based on ACT-R, Anderson and his colleagues put forward four-stage superimposed model, and Sweller presents the cognitive load theory from the perspective of cognitive resources. These four theories direct the empirical study in the worked example learning and teaching practice from different angles.
作者 林洪新 张黎
出处 《青岛大学师范学院学报》 2012年第3期33-37,共5页 Journal of Teachers College Qingdao University
基金 教育部人文社科一般项目"减轻小学生数学学习认知负荷的样例研究"(10YJCXLX028)
关键词 样例 样例学习 认知负荷 worked example the worked example learning cognitive load
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