
从广告语言特点看中英文化差异 被引量:4

Viewing Chinese and British Cultural Differences from Language Features in Advertisement
摘要 广告充斥着现代社会的每一个角落。广告语言作为文化的载体,展现着不同国家和民族的文化特征及文化价值观。基于中英文化差异,中英广告语在语言风格、句子结构和价值观方面也各不相同。研究这些风格迥异的遣词造句,有助于我们更深层次地了解广告语所折射出的中英文化异同,尤其对广告语在国内及国际市场的成功具有一定的指导意义。 Advertisement is seen everywhere in modem society. As the carrier advertisement show different cultural characteristics and values of nations. Based British cultures there are differences in language of culture, the languages of on differences in Chinese and styles, sentence structures and cultural values in their advertisements. The study of these different styles in the choice of words and building of sentences helps us know more profoundly about differences between Chinese and British cultures reflected from the advertisements, which is particularly beneficial to the success of advertisements in both the domestic and international markets.
作者 申竹英
出处 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期108-110,共3页 Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 太原工业学院院基金资助项目:<中英文商业广告语篇结构及语言特点分析>(2010RQ04)
关键词 广告语 文化差异 价值观 advertisement cultural differences value
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