

Modeling and Simulation of High Resolution Radar Clutter on SIRV
摘要 高分辨率雷达杂波建模与仿真是评估雷达性能的重要手段。广义复合概率密度通常用来描述高分辨率雷达杂波。在广义复合分布中,将散斑分量和调制分量均采用广义伽马(GΓ)分布来表示。采用球不变随机矢量(SIRV)进行杂波建模的优点在于能够独立控制其相关性和一维边缘概率密度。对广义复合分布和SIRV建模方法进行了讨论,在此基础上,给出了相干相关的广义复合分布的SIRV模型,利用计算机进行了广义复合分布的杂波仿真,并对杂波仿真的统计特性与理论值进行了比较。仿真结果与理论分析相吻合,说明了该模型的有效性和普适性。 Modeling and simulation of the high resolution radar clutter is the most important method to evaluate the radar performance. The generalized compound(GC) probability density function(PDF) is used to describe the high resolution radar clutter statistics. The GC PDF is formed using the generalized gamma PDF to describe the speckle and modulation components of the radar clutter. The advantageous of radar clutter modeling by use of spherically invariant random vector(SIRV) is that the correlation matrix and marginal PDF of random vectors can be control respectively and independently. In this paper, the GC PDF radar clutter and SIRV modeling methods are discussed, and the SIRV model of the GC PDF radar clutter is proposed. The computer simulation is used to validate the model, and the statistics of the simulated GC-PDF clutter is compared with the theoretical results. The simulation results are identical with the theoretical results, which proves that the SIRV model is of availability and universality.
出处 《雷达科学与技术》 2012年第5期514-518,共5页 Radar Science and Technology
关键词 广义复合分布 球不变随机矢量 杂波 广义伽马分布 generalized compound distribution spherically invariant random vector (SIRV) cluttergeneralized gamma distribution
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