Since reforming and opening, the industry of the eighth division has made a big progress, but the industrial development also come across some problems such as the energy shortage, environmental pollution and so on. How can we overcome the problems in industrialization process to realize the great - leap - forward development? In order to provide historical practice for the choice of the path of industrial development pattern and the strategy introduction of industrialization, the most important task is to card the industrial evolution of the eighth division. We apply the analysis framework of results - - structure - - process, and we analyze the evolution of the scale, speed, structure and operating conditions on the eighth division industrial development from macro economical index and micro financial index. Through the analysis, we can draw the following conclusions: firstly, the industrial investment effectiveness declined; secondly, the late industrialization is false; thirdly, the leading industry sectors have changed already, but the large production capacity is still in formation ; fourthly, the debt - paying ability is weak, but the situation of utilizing fixed assets has not improved yet, and the enterprise market power is weak, but the relatively investment to science and technology innovation is low.
Journal of Tarim University
scale and structure
management status