From the assessor in the continental law system to the jury in the Anglo-American law system, the jury academics generally hold that it is the result of judicial democracy development and logic connection of citizenship constraining judicial rights. While in China the people's jury system is quite superficial in practice for its unreasonable system design. In 2010, to improve judicial credibility, Henan High Court carried out "the people's jury" pilot reform in all courts of Henan province with system innovation and remedies to the existing people's jury system. The people's jury has been controversial since the very beginning, and the academics have also once doubted with academic criticism, labelling it "unorthodox". Lack of judicial credibility and authority during its transition, can "the people's jury" assume the credibility? The question can be addressed from a practical perspective to research such a pilot program, its coneeptuation and theory building, thus re-evaluate the strength of "the people's jury" pilot system.