非对称数字用户环路(ADSL)选择离散多音频DMT(Discrete Multitone)为系统的传输码,针对DMT的IFFT/FFT单元计算量大、硬件要求高等特点,本文提出了一种降低IFFT/FFT单元复杂度的CR DMT(ComplexityReduced DMT)结构。与传统的DMT及一些改进方案相比较.该结构具有原理简单,易于实用等特点。
DMT( Discrete multitone) was chose as the transmission code of ADSL by T1E1 committee. Being used FFT arithmetic, the DMT based system has the problems of numerous computation and rigorous hardware requirement. To settle this, this paper proposed a CR DMT( Complexity reduced DMT) scheme to reduce the complexity of IFFT/FFT cell. Compared with the traditional DMT and some other DMT scheme, the CR DMT are very simple and easy to use.
Computer & Network