
二氢月桂烯和二氢月桂烯醇饱和蒸汽压测定与关联 被引量:1

Measurement and Correlation for Saturated Vapor Pressure of Dihydromyrcene and Dihydromyrcenol
摘要 为了给二氢月桂烯醇精制工艺设计提供基础热力学数据,采用静态法,利用Rose釜测定了二氢月桂烯在330.05~434.78 K和二氢月桂烯醇在373.55~468.65 K的饱和蒸汽压,并用Antoine方程和Riedel方程进行关联,得出相应方程的参数。结果表明Antoine方程和Riedel方程均能较好地描述二氢月桂烯和二氢月桂烯醇的饱和蒸汽压,但Riedel方程的精度更高,误差更小。所得饱和蒸汽压的参数对二氢月桂烯醇减压精馏分离的设计提供了基础数据。 In order to supply basic thermodynamic data for the separation design of dihydromyrcenol,saturated vapor pressures of dihydromyrcene in the temperature range of 330.05~434.78 K and dihydromyrcenol in the range of 373.55~468.65 K were measured by static method in Rose still,respectively.The measured saturated vapor pressures and temperatures were correlated by Antoine and Riedel equations,and their corresponding parameters were determined.The results indicate that both Antoine and Riedel equations can well describe the relation between saturated vapor pressures and temperatures of dihydromyrcene and dihydromyrcenol,while Riedel equation has higher prediction precision and smaller error.The obtained parameters are very useful for the design of dihydromyrcenol distillation with reduced pressure in its industrial production.
出处 《高校化学工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期737-740,共4页 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities
基金 福建省教育厅科研资助项目(JB10202) 福建师范大学科研资助项目(KY2010015)
关键词 二氢月桂烯 二氢月桂烯醇 饱和蒸汽压 Antoine方程 Riedel方程 dihydromyrcene dihydromyrcenol saturated vapor pressure Antoine equation Riedel equation
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