
金属骨架材料MIL-53(Cr)合成及其吸附效果研究 被引量:6

Preparation of Metal-Organic Frameworks MIL-53(Cr) and its Absorption Perfomance
摘要 采用新配比(n(Cr3+):n(H2BDC):n(H2O)=1:2:280),水热法合成MOFs材料MIL-53(Cr)。材料后处理过程采用溶剂置换法。通过XRD、TG、SEM、IGA的表征手段对不同条件下合成后MIL-53(Cr)产物进行结构表征;通过N2、CO2、CH4、C2H4、C2H6单组份气体吸附实验对样品的吸附性能进行测试。结果显示:新的制备方案在制备过程中能够更稳定地合成出高纯度的MIL-53(Cr)产物,溶剂置换的后处理方法能够有效的将孔道内H2BDC除去,经过后处理MIL-53(Cr)比表面积为1355.9 m2 g 1,通过初步的气体吸附实验表明该材料具有广阔的应用前景。 MIL-53(Cr),was hydrothermally synthesized under new reaction conditions(1:2:280).Solvent-replacement was used during the post treatment of MIL-53(Cr).The synthesized MIL-53(Cr) was characterized by XRD,TG,SEM and IGA,respectively,and its absorption performance was examined by the experiments of pure gas absorptions of N2,CO2,CH4,C2H4 and C2H6,respectively.The results show that using the new recipe can make the preparation of MIL-53(Cr) more stable,and the solvent-replacement method can remove the impurities from the porous channels of the MIL-53(Cr) almost completely and make the prepared MIL-53(Cr) with high purity.After post treatment,the specific surface area of the MIL-53(Cr) is 1355.9 m2?g?1,and via a series gas absorption experiments,the prepared MIL-53(Cr) shows a broad prospect in different applications.
出处 《高校化学工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期858-863,共6页 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities
基金 江苏省高校自然科学重大基础研究项目(08KJA530001) 国家自然科学基金(20976082)
关键词 MOF(金属有机骨架) MIL-53(Cr) 合成条件优化 吸附性能 MOFs(metal-organic frameworks) MIL-53(Cr) optimization of synthetic condition adsorption performance
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