将生物发生技术应用于冶金类行业废水的综合急性毒性测试中 ,以发光细菌法替代原有的理化测试方法 ,废水毒性强弱评估其安全排放的可靠性。试验结果表明 ,以沈阳冶炼厂为代表的冶金类行业废水毒性呈剧毒水平 ,其处理后废水在符合废水排放标准的情况下 ,仍表现为低毒水平 ,这一问题就引起有关环境管理部门的重视。
this thesis,bio-luminous techmology is applied to assess the overall acute toxicity of wastewater from metallurgical industry.The original physicalchemical teating method is replaced ty bacteria method,so the reliability of wastewater discharge can be assessed ty its toxicity.According to this method,wastewater from Shenyang metallurgical industry is at drastic toxicity level,and it still have low level txicity after it is treated and is discharging standard compliant.It would be regarded by the department of environmental management.
Liaoning Urban and Rural Environmental Science & Technology