以库尔勒市城市工业布局的现状及存在的环境问题 ,分析阐述了在工业开发、经济建设中应该坚持的环保指导思想 ,工业区环保目标与主要污染物排放总量控制指标 ,并提出了相应的措施与建议 ,阐明了加强环境保护。合理工业布局 。
As the present situation of urban distribution of industry of Korla and existing environmental problem, the article analyses and discusses persisting in environmental protection guiding ideology and environmental protection goal of industrial area and control index of main pollutant total evacuating amount in industry development and economic construction and puts forward appropriate measure and suggestion and explains that econmic construction and environmental protection should be simultaneously coordinated development.
Environmental Protection of Xinjiang