
我国青少年男子体操运动员成套动作价值与编排的研究——基于南昌城运会和新加坡青奥会 被引量:8

Research on Element Value and Composition of Our Junior Male Gymnasts —Based on the Nanchang City Games and Singapore Youth Olympic Games
摘要 对南昌城运会与新加坡青奥会体操比赛成套动作难度、连接加分、结束动作、结构组分布与编排模式等进行了分析。研究表明,我国青少年运动员成套动作价值主要是以D组难度编排成套的比例高于国外运动员,尤其是鞍马、单杠和吊环优势较为突出,但自由操、跳马难度价值优势不明显;自由操获得"一连接"或"两连接"加分人数具有优势,但缺乏空翻2周和其他空翻连接,单杠连接加分采用"杠上动作接飞行动作"的方式,优势较为突出,反映了我国运动员掌握单杠"近杠动作"能力较强特点;结束动作的优势体现在D组难度上,但双杠缺乏E组结束动作;跳马平均D分有一定优势,但运动员掌握高难动作优势不明显。探讨了青少年男子体操运动员主干动作和优势动作,发现主干动作总体上具有74.3%的一致性,说明主干动作呈现出集群性特点;我国运动员完成优势动作数量和完成人次较多,但自由操的前屈2周、鞍马的吴国年、Flops-组合动作、吊环慢翻上水平十字、跳马前手翻前空翻2周、双杠后上一杠倒立和前团2周下等,有待成为今后我国青少年运动员发展难度的优势动作;青少年运动员成套动作均采用"优势弥补式"的编排模式,我国运动员各单项不同程度存在着个别结构组优势难度数量与完成人次偏少、成套编排偏雷同等问题。根据我国青少年男子体操运动员成套编排的优势与不足,对现行国际体操男子评分规则对比赛的导向作用、存在不足进行了初步评述。 This paper analyzes the complete set movement difficulty, connection Points, dis mount, element group distribution and compositional mode on the Nanehang city Games and the Singapore Youth Olympic Games gymnastics competition. The result shows that China's young athletes value of competition exercises main is based on the difficulty of Group D sets the pro- portion is higher than the foreign players, especially pommel horse, and horizontal and rings, But Floor exercise, vault difficulty value advantage is not obvious. Floor exercise gets a connec tion, or two connections extra points, but the lack of double salto forward or backward con- nected with other salto exercise. Horizontal bar connection points is "in bar connection flight", showing that the ability of our athletes grasp the horizontal bar "Elements near the bar" char acteristies. Dismount is reflected in the difficulty of Group D, but parallel bars lack of group E; vault average D points shows the athlete advanced difficulty elements needs to improve. This paper also discusses the male adolescent gymnasts the " main elements" and " advantages ele- ments", found out that the "main elements" has 74.3 G of the overall consistency, shows the "main elements" characteristic of shbwing a "cluster". Our athletes completed the "advantage elements" more than any other country, there are a number of elements need to continue to "advantages elements", such as "double salto forward piked" in floor exercise, " wu guo- nian", "Flops-Combined" in Pommel horse," Feige backward body to Swallow" in Rings, "Handspring forward and salto forward two turn'in Vault. The article proposed a preliminary review of the guiding role of the current international gymnastics men's scoring rules of the game, according to the advantages and disadvantages of our junior male gymnast set arrange- ment.
出处 《中国体育科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期48-56,共9页 China Sport Science and Technology
关键词 青少年运动员 男子 体操 动作 编排 价值 junior male gymnast movement value element composition
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