
自传体记忆的情绪对其相关信息内隐提取的影响 被引量:5

The Effects of Emotion of the Autobiographical Memory on the Implicit Retrieval of the Related Information
摘要 本研究主要考察自传体记忆本身的情绪是否影响该记忆相关信息的内隐提取过程。取大学生15人完成实验,实验分为两部分:记忆提取和词汇判断。首先在记忆提取阶段,要求被试根据词对(形容词-中性名词)提取积极、消极和中性情绪色彩的自传体记忆事件。接着在词汇判断任务中,要求被试对包含提取过记忆的中性名词的词语进行词和非词的判断,并且记录相应的脑电波。结果发现:(1)被试按要求成功提取了积极、消极和中性三类自传体记忆事件。词汇判断任务中,内隐提取三类自传体记忆信息的反应时和正确率均无显著差异。(2)相比于积极、中性自传体记忆信息,消极自传体记忆信息提取的过程中的ERP波幅更大,更偏向于正向。这表明自传体记忆信息的内隐提取受到记忆本身情绪的影响,消极自传体记忆信息提取需要付出更多资源。 Current researches are largely concentrated on the characteristics of the activation of neural networks related to the autobiographical memory's retrieval process with the technologies of fMRI and ERP; very few studies investigated the effects of emotion on the retrieval of autobiographical memory. Since the autobiographical memory has a distinct emotional characteristic, Will the retrieval processing of autobiographical memory be impacted by the emotion of the memory itself? An ERP study with the lexical decision task (LDT) was conducted to explore the effects of emotion on the implicit retrieval of the information from the autobiographical memory. The present study included two parts: the memory induced phase and the lexical decision task. Fifteen right-handed participants took part in this study; all were recruited from the university. In the memory induced phase, participants were asked to retrieve the positive, negative and neutral autobiographical memories according to the paired words (an emotional adjective - a neutral noun), these words were firstly assessed prior to the formal experiment. The nouns were evaluated again for their emotionality, importance and clarity on a 7-points scale after the retrievals. A relationship between the given nouns and the autobiographical memory was established, this relation would be used in the lexical decision task. The lexical decision task was conducted after the memory induced phase, in which participants needed to decide whether the item was a word or a pseudo-word by pressing the allocated keys. Each item was presented for 500ms and 2000ms was given to respond. The EEG was recorded while the items appeared. The results showed that participants successfully extracted three types of autobiographical memory with same degree of clarity, the positive and negative memories being more important than the neutral ones. The results of the lexical decision task revealed that the negative information of autobiographical memory triggered more positive ERP than the positive and neutral ones during 450-900ms. Although no difference was found between the positive and neutral information, significant difference existed between the negative information and the positive information, as well as between the negative information and the neutral information. This indicates that more cognitive resources are demanded for the retrieval of negative autobiographical memory. In short, we can conclude that the emotion does affect the implicit retrieval of the information from the autobiographical memory. It requires more cognitive resources in the retrieval of negative autobiographical memory than the positive and neutral autobiographical memories.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期1463-1471,共9页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30970913) 心理健康与认知科学广东省重点实验室资助
关键词 自传体记忆 ERP 情绪 词汇判断任务 Autobiographical memory ERP emotion lexical decision task
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