

Research on componentized design and parallelization towards POP ocean model using ESMF
摘要 针对目前海洋模式开发存在的移植、更新和相同功能代码重用困难的问题,对海洋模式的功能分解及组件化封装进行了研究,设计了一套基于地球系统建模框架(ESMF)的组件化与并行化方法,并将其应用在并行海洋模式POP上,构建了一种新的组件化海洋模式。对新模式的测试结果表明,上述方法能在保证模式正确性的基础上实现模式的可复用性与可维护性,并且能在一定程度上提高模式的运行效率。 In order to address the problem that it is difficult to port and utilize existing abundant reusable modules during the development of a new model due to the tight coupling among different modules in a contemporary ocean model, the authors decomposed the parallel ocean model of parallel ocean program (POP) into a set of scientific procedures, and then encapsulated the implementation codes into reusable components with the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF). In addition, the ESMF parallelism was applied to the new component-based POP, which can help to further enhance the efficiency. The experiment results showed that the proposed approach, on the premise of correctness, improved the reusability and maintainability of the model significantly, as well as its performance.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期1041-1049,共9页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 863计划(2010AA012404)和科技部国际合作(2009DFA12110)资助项目.
关键词 并行海洋模式(POP) 地球系统建模框架(ESMF) 海洋模式 组件化 parallel ocean program (POP), Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF), ocean model, componentized
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